1. Click the following link to enter into Chennai Metro water Website https://chennaimetrowater.tn.gov.in/online_water_taxpayment.html
2. You will get the following screen:
4. You will get the following screen where you have to register under Customer Registration for Portal Access.
5. On clicking Register you will get the next screen where you have to give your Mobile No. and a New Bill Number / Existing Bill Number (CMC No.) of your property for registration. Registration of your eMail ID is optional . The mobile number already registered will not be allowed for registration. The consumer has to validate the mobile number by entering the One Time Password (OTP) generated by the system and sent through SMS. Once validated the consumer will be registered and allowed for online payment.
Please Note Your Existing Bill number is the same number which is given for payment of Property tax
6. After successful registration, You can login with your Registered Mobile No or Email ID in the same screen
7. In the next screen your Property details and water tax Due amount amount will be displayed as below:
No. Bill Number / CMC No.Name & Address Annual Value Tax / Half Year
Class & Category Building Type TotalDues CreditBalance Status Actions
If you had already paid the amount NO DUES FOUND will be mentioned on top of the screen
8. Under Actions on clicking Select the screen for payment of water tax will appear where you have to click Proceed to make payment.
9. In the next screens you have to select the mode of payment like Credit/Debit card/Net Banking etc will appear and you can make the payment using anyone of the option.
10. You can download the receipt from the Payment screen
Compiled by: S.V.Sai baba , 1102,Pearl Block